syncopated puppet
i can’t believe you’re reading this. i almost didn’t write.
just kidding. well, almost. today i lost myself in trying to have a puppet write this text for me. i liked that, having an invisible hand doing all the work instead of me. yet, the options i had made me realise it had to be written by me: i think this is because only on rare occasions puppets do know they are puppets. somehow, they’re a dream, and rarely are dreams about dreams.
so, i didn’t like it.
i wanted to have dreams about those adormant. that’s unfortunate, cause i never remember my own dreams.
that’s not true. i do remember one. it was last summer, that’s all i remember.
there was this girl, who wasn’t a girl. and there was this castle, that wasn’t a castle either. it looked more like a church.
i know she wasn’t me, but i was hers. i still don’t know what to think of it. she stayed silent for the entire time. strangely, no one was moving, like in a picture, but people were talking. i know this because i could hear them through her ears. there was no dispute, in fact they all looked friendly to each other, but oh god they were all talking at the same time and i couldn’t understand anything.
back to this girl. i wanted a puppet to tell me more about her, so i typed:
this is the story of a girl dreaming
i clicked on the “generate” button, and a sentence appeared. it was the ending of the one i entered. it read:
this is the story of a girl dreaming of a boy who does not dream of her and finally realises himself in her as a story inside of a story
i think i was mistaken about my puppet. the invisible hand can only care about herself. in a way, one could say she does not see through the puppet.
anyways, that’s what i think the story was about.